New: Library and building software links

The Library and links to other building software are new in Ed Controls. The Library is for viewing documents in Ed Controls. So you can quickly check a contract everywhere, read that specification or check the safety plan. The connections make Quality Assurance much easier.


In this article:

  • The Library makes viewing documents on construction much easier.

  • It may contain images, video and documents.

  • Management goes through the web interface.

  • More links have been added to Ed Controls.

  • These include BIMlink, SAP, Google Docs and Microsoft products.

  • The links make project management easier.

  • More connections to other software are possible on demand.


The Library is a new functionality in Ed Controls for the storage and access of documents on the construction site. These are (panoramic) images, video, Powerpoint, Word or PDF documents.

The Web Interface manages the documents and adds them to the Library. On the construction site, they can then be viewed via the mobile phone or tablet. It doesn’t matter if there’s internet connection. Only files larger than 7MB must be downloaded manually in advance.

The Library makes communication easier and ensures that misunderstandings on the construction site are a thing of the past. This feature is available to the Accountable and Support. The Library comes for free with all licenses.

Links for integration

By linking Ed Controls with other construction software, project management becomes easier for contractors. These include products from Microsoft.

Because of the connection, the data also becomes available in other systems.


These links have now been extensively tested and quickly realised:

More links with other building software can be realized on demand.

More information about the Library and the links can be found on our, also new, support site.