Blog: The benefits of having remote control of your project

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Written by Robert Greidanus

There are many advantages to collaborative working in construction. I see that all the time when I visit UK construction sites to show Ed Controls. Especially when I train people using this digital tool for quality and communication.In my experience, I would say collaboration is crucial to the delivery of any successful projects at scale.But there are times when you can’t get to the site, and there are times when you don’t need to be on site. Whether that’s due to bad weather, lockdown restrictions or any other reason, technology can help.Remote working can help you retain control of your projects. Anytime, anywhere.


Embrace the digital revolution

Our app will make your life easier and save you precious time. Ed Controls syncs smartphones and tablets across the whole project team. It makes collaborative working in construction easy, from any location.Offline paper-based working is a real chore and there is more potential for things to go wrong. Our app means everything is at hand and easier to find.

Construction made simple

By far the biggest benefit of our app is its usability. It’s easy to use and designed specifically for on-site construction workers like you. It was made for a builder, by a builder, and comes from a company run by a builder.We will never complicate it. It will always be easy to use. That is our mindset and our promise to you. It’s smart, fast, and simple.

Digital delivery

With clients around the UK, my experience tells me that the key benefits of our app are:

  • accountability

  • responsibility

  • quality assurance and

  • reduction of errors

At any time and from any location, Ed Controls enables you to:

  • issue tickets

  • assign responsibilities and tasks

  • make observations

  • record snags

  • undertake audits

  • make inspections and

  • carry out quality checks.

The future of digital construction management

Times have changed. The world has changed.We all know that the construction industry has historically been slow to adopt the technology. The global pandemic means it’s crucial that we embrace the benefits of collaborative remote working now.Most construction sites are operating, but on-site activity is running at 20% less capacity. Digital systems can help you keep track of progress when you can’t get to the site.One of our customers had to cancel a meeting with their client during the snowy weather as people were unable to visit their site. With Ed Controls they were able to share detailed reports showing exactly where they were on the project and how much progress had been made.I firmly believe that COVID-19 will change the way we work. Those that embrace digital construction will be ahead of the game. Be part of the future.