Efficient house inspections

How can we do carry out efficient house inspections for 18,000 homes? That was the question that the CBB (Centraal Bureau Bouwbegeleiding: Central Building Monitoring Office) in Arnhem asked itself when assigned the task of inspecting 18,000 rented homes in the region. By inspecting the interiors of all homes, the housing association Vivare gets a good impression of the state of maintenance and is able to draw up a better long-term maintenance schedule as well as updating all the floor plans for the homes. Unsafe situations can be resolved immediately.

The CBB has more than a year to complete the job. Every week, ten inspectors carry out 325 visits, each lasting about half an hour. “That boils down to ten to twelve homes per person per day”, says CBB Division Manager, Patrick IJtsma. The inspectors go through a list of over a hundred inspection points per home, which of course yields a huge amount of data. Ed Controls was the instrument that enabled the CBB to carry out efficient house inspections. “Recording everything on a tablet means everything has been registered when as the inspector leaves the home. All we have to do then is check the data”, explains IJtsma. What’s more, in practice the system has revealed all kinds of situations that the CBB had not previously thought of or things that can be done more efficiently. “Fortunately we can count on Ed Controls for support. They come up with suggestions on how we can do things better, which I consider a major plus point.”
The CBB needs more than simply recording data from the homes. Once the data has been collected it has to be transferred to Vivare’s SAP system. Digitaalopleveren.nl supplied the conversion program which enables the two systems to be connected with one another and also monitored the process. The data from Ed Controls is now transferred immediately to the right location in SAP. “It is fantastic that Ed Controls was able to coordinate this for us”, concludes IJtsma.