Construction of a new court of justice with a Private Finance Initiative

The construction of the new Court of Justice in Breda started around two weeks ago and was the result of the ‘GGB inBalans’ joint venture. They hope to gain the availability certificate in early 2018, which will signal that the brand-new building is ready for use. Ed Controls can provide quality assurance support during the construction phase.


This will be a large and long-term project. According to Paul Verhaar, Product Quality Inspector at Visser en Smit Bouw, the project is based on a Private Finance Initiative (PFI), or in Dutch a DBMFO-contract. This means that the shareholders will have responsibility for financing, design, implementation, maintenance and facility management for the next 30 years.


Picture from Visser en Smit Bouw.

‘Are we designing what is required? Are we building in accordance with the production specifications? These are questions we constantly have to ask ourselves. We will use Ed Controls primarily to check whether we are building in accordance with the specifications,’ says Verhaar on his role in constructing the Court of Justice. In terms of the importance of the system for the project, he says: ‘Once a wall has been closed up, you can no longer see how the wall has actually been constructed. By taking regular photos in Ed Controls, you can follow the construction of a wall.’ He continues: ‘The real strength of Ed Controls is still the ticket function. You can see at a glance which tickets still need to be addressed, who is responsible, and what the status is.’

‘We set up inspection plans in advance in which we record how often a particular component should be inspected. We then digitally set out these inspections in Ed Controls, which simplifies the whole administration process, making paper inspection forms a thing of the past,’ tells Verhaar. ‘The most remarkable feature of this project is that we are designing and building something that we will be maintaining for 30 years to come.’

Find out what Ed Controls can do in your Private Finance Initiative (PFO) project. Request a free demo.